Rehearsal Info

Here at Dance Without Limits, dress rehearsals are a super important part of preparing for our recital. This is where we get to see the costumes working on stage in a group to really compliment the dances your children have been working so hard on throughout the year. It gives us a chance to make any adjustments and ensure that everyone has time to get ready between their dances. We can see if any costumes are missing hairpieces or need to be taken in, etc.

Even more importantly, it gives the stars of our show a chance to get up and rehearse on the big stage – a very different environment than they are used to within the studio walls. They can overcome some of the jitters that may hit when the bright lights come on and really prepare themselves for the show ahead. It is a fun and rewarding experience and a great chance to play with their friends and watch some inspiring dancers as they wait for their turn in the spotlight.

Dress rehearsal will be held at McAlister Auditorium on Thursday, December 6. Students will need to arrive by 4:30 pm and bring along all of their costumes, hair and makeup items for the recital. This includes: hairspray, bobby pins, bun pins, hairnets, tights, socks, hair ties and safety pins.

Although dress rehearsal is scheduled for 4:30, we know it will be a challenge for some of you to get there that quickly after school lets out. Please don’t panic! Just come as quickly as you can. However, please keep in mind that the sooner we get started with the rehearsal, the earlier we will finish.

When you arrive at dress rehearsal, each class will have a row of seats reserved on the left side of the auditorium. We will have pictures of each class’s costume hung on their row. Please have your child sit in his/her row with their class. You are welcome to sit with them, particularly if they are younger.

At the end of our recital, we do a big Finale to finish the show. We bring all of the dancers onstage and they perform one big dance together and then each class takes a bow (it’s always one of the kids’ favorite parts of the show!). We will rehearse the Finale first at the dress rehearsal. So once everyone is in their seats at rehearsal, we’ll bring all the dancers up onstage one class at a time to line up and practice the Finale together.

After we rehearse the Finale, we will return the dancers to their seats, and begin the group dances. We will rehearse the dances in the order of the show. Each class will be brought up to the stage to perform, and then returned to their seats. If your child has costume changes, please change them quickly, then bring them to sit with the next class they will be performing with. We want to keep the dress rehearsal running quickly and smoothly, so please be aware of any quick changes you may have, and make sure your students are where they need to be. Once your student has rehearsed their group dance, you are free to go.