Recital Etiquette

We want every student and their family, friends, and everyone else they invite, to have an awesome recital experience! To make that happen, here are a few guidelines to make it an exceptional experience.

Etiquette #1: Cheer for everyone! Every class and every student has worked so hard this semester. We know that you are here to support your special dancer, but it can be super scary under those lights. Every dancer deserves a hearty round of applause (or three or four). We are all one big, supportive dance family!

Etiquette #2: Do not leave your seat while any dancer is performing. It is distracting to the audience and to the performers. Our numbers are short, so as soon as the curtain closes, feel free to move around.

Etiquette #3: All cell phones should be on silent or vibrate. It is very distracting to our dancers and to the fellow audience members around you.

Etiquette #4: Explicit language, inappropriate attire, offensive clothing and criminal behavior will not be tolerated. Consuming alcohol and smoking are not permitted.

Etiquette #5: When bringing young children to watch, should they become loud, distressed or disturb any other audience members, please take them outside to let off a bit of steam before returning to enjoy the rest of the show.

Etiquette #6: Only Dance Without Limits staff and registered parent helpers are permitted backstage.

Etiquette #7: Private videography and photography is strictly prohibited as we will have professionals attending on the day to provide these services for you, leaving you free to sit back and enjoy the show in the moment.

Etiquette #8: Do not bring anything valuable, especially electronic devices. Mobile phones are not to be taken backstage or in the changing areas during the recital. Dance Without Limits, McAlister Auditorium, and Furman University take no responsibility if an item is damaged, misplaced, lost or stolen.