Christopher Martin
Principal Welcome
On behalf of the staff, I welcome you to Dallastown Elementary. It is a privilege to serve as the principal in a building and district with an outstanding reputation both in the community and county.
Dallastown Elementary strives to foster the skills and talents of our students. Children attending Dallastown Elementary have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of activities that help make them well-rounded, productive citizens of the future. Our students are grouped in heterogeneous classrooms with instruction that is driven by a curriculum aligned to the Pennsylvania State Standards.
Our staff is dedicated to providing a quality educational experience to our students. The lives of students who attend Dallastown Elementary are surely impacted in a positive way by all of those who work and interact with our students.
Dallastown Elementary is fortunate to be supported by a very active and generous PTO. The work done throughout the year by these willing volunteers also contributes to the positive experiences students encounter in their years at Dallastown Elementary. I highly encourage you to attend PTO events and monthly meetings throughout the year. The more you do for the PTO the greater the rewards are for our students.
We look forward to a fantastic school year. Please contact Dallastown Elementary if you would like more information about our school.
Mr. Christopher Martin
Student Handbook
Our Student Handbook has gone electronic. You can view all important information at any time throughout the school year. Please make sure you read the handbook and complete the parent sign-off in Skyward.
Car Rider Information
Dallastown Elementary Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Arrival and dismissal can become quite congested in the morning and afternoon. For the safety of our children, please adhere to the following procedures:
1. Do not park in the alley! We cannot impede individuals from leaving their residences. Please use the alley as a morning drop-off site only.
2. When DROPPING OFF your child in the morning, please pull up to the Charles Street crosswalk to let them out of the vehicle. A crossing guard will be present there to assist. SAFETY is of utmost importance and we cannot have children walking between the cars during drop-off. Thanks for helping us make sure all children are safe.
Drop-off times:
8:15-8:30- for students eating breakfast with us
8:30-8:50- for students not eating breakfast with us
After 8:50- your child will need to be escorted by an adult into the office to be signed in.
3. When PICKING UP your child at the end of the day, please park along the curb or in the parking lot below the cafeteria and walk up to meet your child on the playground. Do not park in front of the fire hydrant or along yellow-painted curbs. Please stand in the area of the playground of your oldest child. Third-grade parents are to stand on the lower section of the playground closest to Charles Street, then second, then first, then K up closest to the alley.
Pick-up times:
3:27 pm – Grade 2 & 3 Walkers and Car Riders
3:30 pm – Grade K & 1 Walkers and Car Riders
4. Do not park or block the area in front of the school. This space is reserved for the buses.
5. For our Kindergarten Bus Riders: Please be sure you have someone at the bus stop to meet your kindergartener each day. Buses will not be able to drop off till someone is there to meet them.
Thank you for working to make arrival and dismissal safer for our children.
Dismissal Schedule:
3:27 pm – Grade 2 & 3 Walkers and Car Riders
3:30 pm – Grade K & 1 Walkers and Car Riders
3:35 pm - Buses loaded
Choose Love
Our school, along with the other K-3 buildings in the district, will be incorporating fun, engaging, Learning Through Play activities and a program called Choose Love for Schools which plays an important role in promoting students' social and emotional well-being, and academic and personal success. It also enhances our classroom and school climate, making it a place where students are safe, compassionate, connected, and able to thrive.
The Choose Love for Schools Program is a comprehensive curriculum that supports, nurtures, and fosters the whole child. Students will learn skills and tools they will use throughout their lives, to be honest, trustworthy, caring and compassionate, self-disciplined, intellectually curious, fair, and respectful.
Students learn how to thoughtfully respond by choosing love. The program’s foundation is a formula: Courage + Gratitude + Forgiveness + Compassion in Action = Choosing Love. We use courage daily to choose love over fear. Practicing gratitude helps us focus on what we have. Forgiveness is the key to healthy relationships and compassion in action helps us connect with and help others.
We hope you will share in this journey with your children, asking questions about what they have learned and enjoying the benefits of the program as well. Please check out the Choose Love At Home Program for families and caregivers. You can learn alongside your children and incorporate these skills and tools to promote Social and Emotional Learning in your home, and even within yourself! www.chooselovemovement.org.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the building principal for more information.