Artifact #3

Dual Credit English 4

PA Essential Question: How does film explore, illustrate, or seek to solve the problems of the human condition?

RICA: Analysis

BAsix: Think critically and collaborate productively

EQ ANSWER: We use film to explore problems by making them about a issue in the present world. Most films have a moral dilemma that teaches us about problems in our everyday life that we can use to try and solve our problems of the human condition.

We were expected to watch a film and analyze the film through a critical lens. My movie was Interstellar and my lens was ecocriticism.

I had to analyze specific parts of the movie and what it meant in a deeper meaning. We then connect the problems of the movie to the real world which we then turned into a essay.

We studied critical lens theories such as feminism, psychoanalysis, and Marxism. We then choose a film we have watched or would like to watch and analyzed the film keeping our lens in mind to take any notes if it appears in the film. Essentially, the human condition is the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality.

My film explored ecocriticism, where we analyze the environmental concerns and examine the various ways literature treats the subject of nature. My film, Interstellar completely ignored the warning of the destruction of Earth.

Instead of finding ways to reverse the damage and save Earth, they go to space find a new planet to colonize to escape the dying earth they are living on.

Connections to other classes: I can use knowledge of the lenses in other classes to analyze texts, images or videos to better understand it or look at it in a different view.

Connections to the world: In the real world, I can use the ecocriticism lens or any other critical lenses to analyze the real world and give you a different point of the view of the world. I can use the lens I have learned about to better understand people in the workplace. Collaboration and teamwork are needed to be a successful engineer.


My area of strengths was completing the artifacts on time

Understanding the content knowledge of the artifacts.

Areas to improve on

Getting my artifacts certified on time

Remembering all the content to speak about
