Artifact #2

Ceramics 3

PA Essential Question: What is the purpose of

art for your generation?

RICA: Creative Expression

BAsix: Expressing myself creatively and

Manage projects effectively

Our expectation for this artifact was to create an artwork that expresses ourselves and how our generation feels about art.

EQ ANSWER: Art for my generation is a way of connecting with people all around the world. Art brings us together in ways we do not expect, as art doesn’t have a language barrier. Social media has birthed a generation of creators who have redefined what it is to make art and share

it with the world


  • Cut old wire hangers to use.

  • Formed wire into a rough form of a body.

  • Added volume to wire with newspaper and masking tape.

  • Added the “muscle” with the paper

  • Put paper mache on it to give it strength to hold the form

  • Created violin out of cardboard

  • Painted figure silver and violin brown

  • Nailed figure to wooden board

Connections to other classes: I can successfully express myself creatively in my classes and use my creativity to solve problems and create new designs for robotics club.

Connections to the real world: I can use my creative expression to create new innovative technology in my robotics club or in my future engineering career. I took art for four years in high school to make me a more imaginative thinker when it comes to materials.
