Mindfulness & Self-care

Journey Line

  • This Journey Line consists of a timeline of the ups and downs of life

  • Ups and downs that have created who I am today

Reflection Questions

  1. What have you noticed about yourself along your journey?

What I've noticed about myself along my journey it's that I've had great opportunities in life and I feel like I've done my very best in everything that has been put in my way. I feel extremely proud for all of my achievements because no matter how many obstacles have been put in my way, I've always given my very best to everything that I've done.

  1. What personal trait have you relied on during your journey?

The personal trait that I have relied on along my journey has been my determination. My determination it's what has taken me to where I am today, it has pushed me to reach all of the goals that I've had in mind.

  1. Has anyone helped you on your journey?

Yes, my family has been my biggest support, mainly my parents because they have always been there to listen to my worries or my achievements. They have always been there by my side in my important moments as well as have seen me stressed over school, but always there to give me advice and to cheer on me no matter what.


  • Comparison of Iceberg to the life of humans

  • Demonstrates the inside and the outside of what a person has

Reflection Questions

1. What parts of this assignment were easy?

The easy parts about this assignment was deciphering what the things are that people don't know about me, simply because I know myself too much and there are things that I never share with anyone.


The most challenging parts about this assignment was probably getting the title in the middle, but overall the assignment itself was pretty easy.

2.Which identity do you think about the most?

The identity I think the most about is my studious side simply because I am always working very hard and by grades always come before anything.

The least?

The identity I think about the least is that I have a talent to fold clothes, even though it's a simple task, I truly feel like I'm very good at it because my clothes always look very nice whenever I fold them.

3. How do your identities affect your life?

The way that my identities affect my life is they make me unique and make my feel like no matter what I do, my identity is what makes me, Me. It makes me see that all that I do and what I am is what makes me who I am today and who I will be. I know that I won't forever be a teenager but I feel like there are certain traits that never leave you and I'm proud to be who I am.

4.What can learning about people's identities do for you?

Learning about people's identities helps me understand why a person is the way they are. It also allows me to get an insight into what a person has to offer that at first glance can't quite be seen. I've always thought that people have so much inside of them and it is true, we all look a certain way and inside of us we have a lot to offer, so yes never judge a book by its' cover.