Jake Ryan

Bryan Adams High School Leadership Academy

12th Grader

About Me

My name is Jake Ryan and I am a senior at Bryan Adams High School. My passion is mechanical and electrical engineering. My goal is get a bachelors in mechanical or electrical engineering. I am in robotics at Bryan Adams and plan to go to state competition this year. I work at Mardel Christian and Education store since June, 2018. I am in National Honor Society covenant chapter and I am also top 6 percent of my class.

My Champion?

My mom is my champion because she always helps me with anything I need. She is always willing to assist me with school and life. She makes sure I’m doing good in school and staying out of trouble. My mom is the strongest person I know as she goes through daily struggles to be able to support my sister and me. I look to her strength and the sacrifices she has made for me so I can reach my future goals and become the leader in my chosen career.

My Personal Goals?

  • My Semester Goal: To pass every class with an 85 or higher

  • My Year Goal: To get accepted into my dream university, Texas A&M College Station with scholarships.

  • My 5 Year Goal: Graduate from college with a bachelors in electrical engineering or mechanical engineering.

  • My 20 year Goal: To have a stable family, live happily, and being able to build my own project cars.