KISS- Visit by the students of NFE

A team of 2 faculty members and 21 students from Department of Nutrition and Food Engineering (NFE) of Daffodil International University left Dhaka today to complete International Internship Program at KISS - Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences in Odisha, India from 11 to 18 February 2019. This is a 7 days long program where DIU students will explore the KISS Mega Kitchen, mass cooking process, nutritional value, energy conservation by steam cooking, use of renewable energy in cooking, green Initiatives etc and prepare the internship project for the final year.

DIU students will also visit the beautiful campus of KIIT University, local markets, Konark Temple, Puri sea beach and more.The team will also Co-Teach, do research and make case studies, work with sports team, hospital team, help in cutting vegetables & preparation of food, work in the vocational unit etc during their stay and contribute to Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences – KISS, Bhubaneswar, India which is a fully free, fully residential home for 27,000 poorest of the poor indigenous children who are provided holistic education from Kindergarten to Post Graduation along with lodging, boarding, health care facilities besides vocational, life skills empowerment

1st day at KIIT and KISS.pdf
2nd day at KIIT and KISS.pdf
On 13 February.pdf