

At left, Community High School's NHS President, Ayden Russo, has created a video explaining what NHS is and why you should consider applying for membership. We encourage you to watch Ayden's message before starting the application

To help guide you through the process, the NHS Advisor created the video below explaining a bit more about the selection process, and each step of the application. You may also click on the links below to view samples of some aspects of the application.

There are four components to the NHS application:

1. Cover Sheet.

    A sample cover sheet is included here.

2. Activity Survey. The Activity Survey allows you the opportunity to tell the Faculty Selection Committee more about your participation in clubs, organizations, athletics, volunteer activities, church groups, etc. Please feel free to create a copy of the Activity Survey and type your responses to allow yourself enough room to expound on your involvements.

The NHS application walkthrough is a good place to start if you cannot attend the informational meeting!

Babysitting or helping family members does not count as community service.

A sample activity survey is included here. Please take this sample as an example of how-to fill out the activity survey, NOT as an example of one that would be selected. There is no formula to selection: every survey is unique and evaluated on its own merits based on your leadership and service.

3. Letter to a Teacher (or Coach/Adult Mentor). The letter to a teacher is a 2-3 paragraph letter to an adult who has influenced you and has had a positive impact on your character. The individual you choose should NOT be related to you. 

These letters should be typed and signed before submission. The recipient’s name and email, as well as your name and signature, will be withheld during the selection process. Should you be selected for membership this letter will be shared, so please include an email address for the teacher, coach or mentor

A sample letter to a teacher is included here. Please take this sample as an example of how-to write the letter to a teacher, NOT as an example of one that would be selected. Again, there is no formula to selection: the letter to a teacher allows the committee to read more about the evolution of your character, and is therefore unique.

4. Short Answers. Your short answer responses are also an important part of the application process because they help the NHS Faculty Selection Committee become acquainted with you.  The short answer prompts also allows your to demonstrate your ability to organize your thoughts and express yourself. Your responses tells the Faculty Selection Committee more about who you are as a person. 

Please type your responses to the short answer prompts, but do not adjust the size of the boxes provided for your statements.

Because the short answer prompts are personal to each student, and there is no right/wrong response. A sample has been provided, but is not indicative of a response that would necessarily be accepted.

Applications of eligible students must be printed and submitted to the NHS box in the Student Activities Center no later than 3:10 p.m. on August 30, 2024. No exceptions are made for late or incomplete surveys

Surveys may not be submitted electronically.

It is the student's responsibility to ensure all parts of the application are completed and printed before submission.