KG Chorus

Do you like listening to music? Do you find yourself humming along to your favorite songs? Consider joining KG Chorus! All 5th-8th Graders are invited to check it out, and see if choir could be a good fit for you! Rehearsals are from 3:20-4:00 Tuesdays and Fridays, excluding breaks and days off. See the schedule below for specifics.

Still nervous/hesitating? Feel free to email/talk to with Ms. V! You are always welcome to come and give it a shot before fully committing. 

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!:

Congratulations to all the choir students on your outstanding choir concert last night! I am so impressed and proud of your work this year. A special shout out to the 8th grade choristers Kayleigh A., Zach D., Amanda M., and David V.: best of luck in High School and beyond! 

Check here for more updates on KG Choir throughout the school year!

Upcoming Performances:

8th Grade Graduation: Wednesday May 22nd, 2024; 7:00 PM; Lockport Township High School Auditorium

'23-'24 KG Choir Schedule