Milne Grove Music

"Since the beginning of time, children have not liked to study. They would much rather play, and if you have their interests at heart, you will let them learn while they play." - Carl Orff, Composer and Music Educator.

Milne Grove is home to D91's Kindergarten-3rd grade students. These students have music once a week for 40 minutes for the duration of the school year. 

D91's Music Statement: Use music (by actively listening, composing, or performing) to make connections to the world around us.

Milne Grove's Musicians will:

Milne Grove's Musicians will:


Grades for kindergarten through third grade are solely participation based. Students are assessed based on performance in class and retention over multiple weeks in a unit. There are no written assignments or homework for music students to complete. For second and third graders who are working on music literacy, any written rhythmic assignments will be done during class activities, and will be accounted for in the 'Participation' section of their grades. 

Music is a place for students to creatively express themselves however they see fit. If students are trying their best each day, they are succeeding! 

If you ever have questions or would like further information on how your student is graded, feel free to email me!