Kelvin Grove Music

"Creativity takes courage." - Henri Matisse, French Visual Artist

Kelvin Grove is home to D91's 4th-8th grade students. 4th and 5th grade students have music once a week for 35 minutes for the duration of the school year. 6th-8th grade students have music class everyday for 40 minutes - for one trimester. Students rotate through Technology and Art for the remaining Trimesters. 

D91's Music Statement: Use music (by actively listening, composing, or performing) to make connections to the world around us.

Kelvin Grove's Musicians will:

Kelvin Grove's Musicians will:


Intermediate Level (4th and 5th): Forth and Fifth grade students are graded mainly on participation. Students are assessed based on performance in class and retention over multiple weeks in a unit. There are some written assignments/worksheets for these students that will be completed during class time

Junior High Level (6th - 8th): A major portion of junior high's music grade is based on participation. Every day students can earn 5 points for their daily participation, resulting in 25 points a week. Absent students have the opportunity to complete Absent Work on Google Classroom in order to still earn their 5 points for the day. Any projects and assignments are to be completed during class, and should not require homework time unless determined by the class and the teacher. Assessments are given at the end of each unit in the form of projects, or solo/group performances. Infinite Campus will be updated bi-monthly. 

If you ever have questions or would like further information on how your student is graded, feel free to email me!