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Grants Pass High School Student Digital Newspaper - The May 2020 Issue

In This COVID-19 Issue: COVID-19 Wildlife Impacts, Online GPHS Craft Club, Productivity Tips For The Quarantined, and a Pizza Poll + much more!


I know these times are unusual, and nobody is happy about what's happening in the world. However, things don't last forever, even wars against countries who hate each other's guts. Sooner or later, things will begin to pick up pace again and the things you want to do will still be there when you come back. Grants Pass isn't going anywhere, and it'll still be here when you return. But for now, since none of this is in our hands, it's our responsibility to stay safe, healthy, and hydrated. I hope this video finds you well. Thank you.

Photojournalist & Writer - Sean Glover

may covid-19 scroll update...

Hello Scroll readers, it's been two months since we've last released an issue of The Scroll. We hope you can forgive us for not releasing a April issue but, in light of recent events, reorganization was in order once again for The Scroll. Our team, along with everyone else, has been trying to adapt to the new changes to our lives that COVID-19 has brought. Times are crazy, and we are living through a pandemic that is very scary. With this issue, we have a lot of articles pertaining to COVID-19. We understand that the positives of this pandemic aren't exactly what some people want to hear right now. As much as we would like to say everything will be okay, we know that statement may seem luxurious and oversimplified to some. This pandemic has had (and will have) very permanent, lasting effects on people's lives. All we can do is hope to give our readers strength with this issue of The Scroll or at least provide some content that will act as a temporary distraction.

We urge you to continue to build and contribute to safe online communities and, if you're struggling reach out, if you need a friend in these hard times, know that our advice column, Ask Blair! is always a resource for you. We hope to see you in the next issue.

Thank you, and if no one has told you today, you are valued and loved. Happy Scrolling.

Digital Editor - Milan Geurin

What is happening with the Scroll? What's with all these changes?

If you haven't noticed, there have been some major changes with The Scroll. The big one is is that The Scroll is completely digital as of this year -- no, we're not dead -- and we have a new club advisor, Mrs. Tyrrell. We were having difficulties with our previous layout on the school website, as editing and adding any articles was tiresome and complicated. This new Google Sites layout is a much more effective way for us to continue producing The Scroll in a less tedious, time-consuming way-- not to mention all the life that we're able to bring to The Scroll now! With this new application, we're more easily able to add photos, create themes, and experiment with all sorts of student response-based projects. If you haven't already noticed, each article is organized into their own different tab. The structure of the website will get some taking used to, but I know I can speak for the entire Scroll team when I say we're super grateful for our dedicated readers' patience with us while we experiment with what works best for the Grants Pass High School The Scroll. Keep updated on any future changes by following us on our Instagram @gphscroll

Thank you, and enjoy reading the this month's issue of The Scroll!

Digital Editor - Milan Geurin

the scroll is recruiting Members!

The Scroll team, while fiercely dedicated and diverse in their talents, needs more members. Our little team lost a lot of valuable members to graduation last year. We're doing what we can right now with our 5 club members, in addition to the help of articles/content provided by the Grants Pass High School Journalism classes, but we're hoping to continue producing a larger variety in content for our readers. Some positions that we're looking for are Cartoonists, Interviewers, Podcasters, Photographers, and Sports Reporters. Even if those positions don't interest you, we're eager for any quality content that Grants Pass High School student's can provide. We are more than willing to welcome any other contributions to our issues. You don't even have to be apart of the team to send in content!

Something that's great about The Scroll is that we encourage individualized content. Our team is all about promoting the ongoing events at GPHS, but our main focus is projecting student voice. The Scroll loves encouraging student passion and expression. If you, or any other GPHS student you know, would be interested in joining The Scroll, then please refer to our "Contact The Scroll!" tab on this site to receive more details on our contact information and meeting times. At most, all you'll have to do is give an example of your writing to our advisor, Mrs. Tyrrell. We would love to expand our team and bring even more student voice to The Scroll. With your contributions and membership we can do just that. With this, I've at least got you considering joining our club. I look forward to potentially seeing you at future meetings.

Thanks again,

Digital Editor - Milan Geurin

Meet the scroll team!

May Issue 2020 Scroll Staff:

Advisor & Editor: Jennifer Tyrrell

Chief Digital Editor: Milan Geurin

Digital Editors: *recruiting!*

Writers: Liv Akers, Cayden Erickson, Sean Glover, Hallie Johnson, Mariah Lumsden, Naomi Moore

Photojournalists: Sean Glover, Ella Hayes

Reporters: Ella Hayes, Magdelyn Herzig, Hallie Johnson

Cartoonists: Josie Castaneda, Ethan Moran

*Thanks to the GPHS Journalism class students for always producing awesome content, and being so willing to contribute it to our issues!

Ella Hayes - General Reporter, Photojournalist

Hello! My name is Ella Hayes, and I am a sophomore here at Grants Pass High School. I am a writer and photojournalist for The Scroll. I took Journalism class last year as a freshman, and became a member this year. I am very passionate about all kinds of writing, though I prefer to write factual, historical, creative, and photojournalism articles. I am involved in several activities through the school, such as band and winter guard. A couple of my favorite activities are reading, hiking, and photography. I am eager about any story at GPHS or any current events, so don’t be afraid to contact me about any story you would like to see in The Scroll! My email is

Thank you. Enjoy reading!

Milan Geurin - Chief Editor, GPHS Reporter, Poll Coordinator

Hey y'all! My name's Milan Geurin, and I'm a sophomore here at Grants Pass High School. I'm The Scroll's Chief Digital Editor. In addition, I also write a Club Column, put together The Scroll's Polls, and I also write any important Scroll updates on the Homepage. As digital editor, my whole job is to help format and put together each month's Scroll edition. I also run any meetings and am in general just in charge of making sure things run smoothly. I was on-and-off involved with The Scroll last year, and I'm glad to be fully-committed this year. I love what I do here at The Scroll and I hope to consistently write, produce, and edit The Scroll for the remainder of my time here at GPHS. I would also just like to take a moment to appreciate Mrs. Tyrrell, all my teachers who got my writing to this point, our readers, and all The Scroll's writers and contributors for making The Scroll happen.

I'm always looking for more clubs to report on here at GPHS. If you're apart of a club here at GPHS, and you want me to report on it, then you can contact me at and we can set something up.

Thanks for reading and supporting The Scroll team members!

Liv Akers - Current Events Reporter, Writer

Hey, Scroll readers!

I’m Liv, and those of you who regularly read The Scroll will be seeing quite a bit of me. I’m a sophomore here at GPHS, and have been living in Grants Pass since sixth grade. I specialize in feature articles, and primarily cover topics such as marching band, current events, and random miscellaneous music-related things that I want to share with people. I love Journalism, and hope to maybe even pursue a career in it one day, so I love feedback from readers!

Thanks for reading The Scroll, and hopefully my writing will connect with some of you as I play my role here at The Scroll.

Mariah Lumsden - Current Events Reporter, Writer

Hi, I'm Mariah Lumsden and I am a writer for The Scroll. I plan to write about things going on locally that I think are important for everyone to be aware of. Additionally, I'll be writing about things that aren’t local, but that I think people should be more aware of. Writing, for me, is very therapeutic and artistic because I can always write something useless down, only to craft it into something meaningful and beautiful later. Current events that are heavy on my mind inspire me to write but, honestly, anything can inspire me to write. I'm a very observant person and I feel like I see the world like it’s a movie. Some facts about me are that I won first place in Off The Wall Cave Creations of 2019 (last year) as a freshman. I'm also involved with Grants Pass High School Z Club, which is an excellent and underrated club that deserves more recognition because of the people in it and the outlook that we all have on the community and the world in general. I am looking forward to writing many more pieces for this school and in general, because writing is something that brings me genuine joy.

Sean Glover - Photojournalist, Writer

Hello, Scroll Readers! My name is Sean Glover, and I am currently a sophomore at Grants Pass High School. I am a photojournalist and a writer for The Scroll, occasionally helping with other things as well, regarding interviews and photos/videos/etc. I’ve been very invested in writing since I was in 5th grade, and have excelled greatly in that area. This includes short stories I’ve created, creative pieces of literature, and a few screenplays that I written. You may have seen me (or will see me) on the stage, for I also enjoy performing in choir and in theatre. I’ve been acting and singing for about eight years, and plan on continuing these activities through high school and college (if I attend college).

Thank you for reading The Scroll, and I hope you enjoy reading these articles as much as we enjoy having the chance to share them with you.

Hallie Johnson - Writer, Reporter

Hello! My name is Hallie Johnson and I am a sophomore here at GPHS. I am now one of the writers here at The ScrolI and I am so excited to write for all of you! I love to write, but specifically factual articles about things that apply to you, such as sports, food, service projects, and things going on at our school! I am passionate about music, service, and our community and hope to incorporate those into my pieces. I have lived in several different places such as Washington, Minnesota, and Nebraska, but Oregon has my heart. I hope to stay in Oregon for as long as possible with all of you! I would love to hear about any ideas you have, so don't be afraid to email me at !

Thank you for reading The Scroll! I hope you can appreciate our hard work!

Naomi Moore - Writer

Hello, Scroll readers! I am Naomi Moore and currently a Freshman at Grants Pass High School. I am now a writer for the Scroll. Writing has always been a passion of mine. I am enrolled in the Journalism class and I am so excited I get the opportunity to write for you all. I mainly write factual and opinion-based articles. Sometimes, I like to spice my articles up a bit with satire--just to lighten the mood. Stay tuned for new upcoming articles from me! I also love writing current events that happen at GPHS and around the world. I try to keep it real, but fun. My goal is to get readers engaged in my articles and any feedback helps. My email is

Thank you so much for reading the Scroll. I hope these articles pique your interest and, hopefully, you enjoy reading them. Much love from the Scroll team members.