Lesson 17: Animals at the Zoo

Learning Targets:

  • I can name common zoo animals.

  • I can describe nouns using color and size adjectives.

  • I can describe an animal's location using prepositions.

Lesson Vocabulary:

el animal - the animal

el caimán - the alligator

la cebra - the zebra

el elefante - the elephant

el guepardo - the cheetah

el gorila - the gorilla

el guardián - the zookeeper

la jirafa - the giraffe

el lagarto - the lizard

el león - the lion

el loro - the parrot

el mono - the monkey

el oso (polar) - the (polar) bear

el pavo real - the peacock

el pingüino - the penguin

la rana - the frog

el serpiente - the snake

el tigre - the tiger

la tortuga - the turtle

el zoológico - the zoo

está - is (used with either locations or feelings)

a la izquierda de - to the left of

a la derecha de - to the right of

delante de - in front of

detrás de - in back of

cerca de - close to

lejos de - far from

debajo de - underneath of

encima de – on top of

enfrente de - across

arriba - above

dentro de – inside of

entre - between

al lado de - to the side of