Lesson 25: Recreational Activities

Learning Target:

  • I can name common sports.
  • I can ask someone about their plans and say what I am going to do.

Lesson Vocabulary:

el fútbol - soccer

el fútbol americano - American football

el baloncesto - basketball

el tenis - tennis

el béisbol - baseball

el hockey- hockey

jugar - to play

practicar - to practice

ir de picnic - to go on a picnic

saltar la cuerda - to jump rope

nadar - to swim

¿Qué vas a hacer? - What are you going to do?

Voy a jugar ________. - I am going to play _______.

Voy a practicar _____. - I am going to practice _____.

Voy a _____. - I'm going to _____.