Lessons 6 & 7: Household Furniture and Appliances

Learning Targets:

  • I can name furniture in the house.

  • I can name appliances in the house.

  • I can say where certain furniture and appliances are in the house.

Lesson Vocabulary:

Los muebles - the furniture

la alfombra - the rug

el armario - the closet

la cama - the bed

las cortinas - the curtains

el espejo - the mirror

la lámpara - the lamp

la mesa - the table

el sillón - the armchair

el sofá - the sofa

el televisor - the television set

Los electrodomésticos - the appliances

la bañera - the bathtub

el congelador - the freezer

la estufa - the stove

el fregadero - the kitchen sink

el horno - the oven

el inodoro - the toilet

la lavadora - the clothes washer

el lavaplatos - the dishwasher

el lavamanos - the bathroom sink

el microondas - the microwave

el refrigerador - the refrigerator

la secadora - the clothes dryer