Business Education
Business Education, traditionally known as Tech Ed, is a department that has expanded to be more than the commonly experienced typing or basic computer class. The Central High School Business department supports two career pathways including Business Administration and Computer Science. Regardless of the pathway, students are exposed to industry standards, industry expectations, and skill development relevant to each career cluster. Students are also supported in their STEM pathway whether college bound, PTECH bound, or career bound receiving support options earn industry certifications completely free of charge, earn concurrent credit, or recieve a foundation cross walked with Colorado Mesa University.
In each career cluster, students have 4 levels of class progression. These classes increase in rigor, exposure and opportunity as students transgress through their education. It is recommended that students take at least two credits in a specific pathway to receive additional graduation recognition. The Business department is also home to some of a students high school computer literacy requirement classes. Below are these levels of coursework by career cluster.
Computer Science Course Sequencing
Business Administration Course Sequencing
Career Technical Student Organizations
The Career Technical Business Education department offers a variety of opportunities to expand student learning outside the classroom with leadership opportunities. Each pathway is supported with a student lead and ran organization but students are encouraged to join any they seem interesting. Below are the student organizations facilitated through Business and their faculty.
CHS Enterprise
The Business Department is also home to the Central High School Enterprises student led business. With the utilization of their equipment, students run a custome printing business. Capable of T-shirts, cups, mousepads, calendars, and much more; money raised through CHS Enterprise feeds right back into supporting the Business Department and students.
Follow the link below for more information.
550 Warrior Way, Grand Junction, CO 81504