
Academic Eligibility for Extra-Curricular Participation [See Adm. Procedure 6:190-AP1]

NCAA Academic Eligibility

The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) maintains a list of approved core course requirements for students who wish to participate in athletics at a Division I or Division II college or university. Any courses taken before a student begins his/her ninth grade school year will not be considered as part of the approved list. Students should discuss this with their counselors if they are concerned about their athletic eligibility in college.

Evaluating Student Performance

Student performance is evaluated by criteria that are appropriate to the course and made known to the students. Students can expect to have their work evaluated and returned within one school week of the time it was turned in. Students are given an opportunity to know and discuss the correct responses to test items.

Grading [See Board Policy 6:280-AP3]

The school year is comprised of 36 weeks, broken into two 18 week semesters and three Progress Report periods following weeks 5, 9 and 14 in each semester.

Progress Reports [See Adm. Procedure 6:280-AP4]

Teachers will complete a Progress Report for every student following weeks 5, 9 and 14 of each semester. In addition, teachers are encouraged to include comments on students’ Progress Reports. Beginning in the Fall of 2012, Progress Reports will no longer be mailed home. Progress Reports will be made available online for parents to access.

Grade Point Calculation [See Board Policy 6:282]

Letter grades are assigned a different point value at each class level as follows, with the College Prep/General Education courses serving as our standard:

Grade point averages are calculated for each student, every semester.  All courses are included in these averages except for driver education, correspondence courses, pass/fail courses, audit and independent study courses, and courses taken as part of an exchange program.

Honor Roll

The Honor Roll is calculated on grades for a single grading period (Term GPA). To be eligible for the honor roll, a student:

At the end of a semester, the honor roll is determined by the Term GPA.

Academic Honors

The following awards can be given at the conclusion of a student’s Senior year - based on Cumulative GPA, as of the 7th semester (calculated February 1 of the senior year):

Early Graduation [See Board Policy 6:300-E2]

All students graduating mid-year will remain in regular attendance to the end of the semester and complete the final exam for each course. Any exceptions must be approved by the principal. 

Changing A Student Schedule [See Adm. Procedure 7:30-AP1]

Level Changes for Students with Placement Recommendations

During the first 15 school days of placement in a new course (first or second semester), the parent and/or student may request a level change within the course. The request will be honored provided that:

After the first 15 days in a semester and until the end of the 9th week in that same semester, level changes will be initiated only at the request of the teacher under all of the following circumstances:

Exceptions may be made in cases of prolonged illness in consultation with the teacher, counselor, parent, and Director of Instruction.

Following this teacher-initiated change request, parents, students, counselor and Director of Instruction will be involved in providing input for the final decision. Students and/or parents will make the final decision on whether to make a change from the original placement as recommended by the teacher.

Any time students make a level change during a semester, their 6-week letter grades from the original class must transfer with them—unadjusted for grade weight.

Graduation Requirements [See Board Policy 6:300]

Standards for Promotion [See Adm. Procedure 6:280-AP2]

Participation in Graduation Ceremonies [See Board Policy 6:255]

Credits Needed to Graduate [See Board Policy 6:300]

All students must have earned 36 credits as specified above, plus one (1) credit of physical education for each semester of attendance. Two credits are equal to one year of work; for example, two years of math is equal to four credits toward graduation.

Repeating Courses [See Adm. Procedure 6:280-AP1]

Academic Dishonesty [See Board Policy 7:190]

Academic dishonesty occurs when students obtain or assist others in obtaining credit for work that is not their own. Common examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to the following:

Note: Studying with other students to prepare for class assignments or examinations is not academic dishonesty unless such actions are prohibited or limited by procedures established by the teachers. Students should ask their teachers if they are uncertain about an action.

Cheating and/or Plagiarism Penalties: Penalties are assigned for the marking period in which the violations are committee. The penalties shall include one or more of the following: a grade of zero for the assignment and parent notification; a failure for the marking period (40% deduction from the student’s final marking period average) and parent notification; exclusion from courses with the Principal’s approval and a parent conference; or suspension from school. The seriousness of the infraction will determine the severity of the penalty.

The school keeps a database on all academic dishonesty referrals spanning a student’s 4-year career. Consequences for violations of this policy will be progressive and take into account a student’s past history.

Physical Education

Physical Education credits are required for each semester of attendance while at Niles Township High Schools.

P.E. Lock: Each student is issued a combination lock. This lock is to be used on his/her physical education locker. If lost, a new school lock must be purchased

P.E. Lockers: Physical Education lockers are individually assigned. It is each student’s responsibility to lock his/her PE locker at all times when in class or away from the locker room. Students are to use it for storing only his/her equipment needed daily for school. Any lost or stolen equipment he/she loses must be replaced at his/her own expense. Electronics (i.e., cell phones, iPods, etc.) are not permitted in the locker room at any time, and should be stored in the student’s hallway locker prior to PE class. In addition to the hallway locker, netbook lockers are available for storage of valuables in various locations throughout the school.

Exemption from Physical Activity [See Board Policy 7:260]

A child may be exempted from some or all physical activities when an appropriate excuse is submitted to the school by parent(s)/guardian(s) or by a person licensed under the Medical Practice Act. Alternative activities and/or units of instruction will be provided for pupils whose physical or emotional condition, as determined by a person licensed under the Medical Practice Act, prevents their participation in the physical education courses. Students receiving special education services may also be provided alternative or adapted physical activities as determined by the IEP conference participants.

Class Attendance, Tardiness and Dismissal

Physical Education classes meet daily for all students. Students are required to be in the locker room at the tardy bell.

Medical Exemption from Physical Activity

A student who is medically restricted from Physical Education classes must provide a doctor's note to the Nurses Office which will be forwarded to the Director of Physical Education. The Director may request a schedule change to a study hall or will coordinate with the PE teacher any modifications and/or arrangements.

Make Up Policy [See Board Policy 6:295]

If a student is absent, he/she has the opportunity to make-up the participation points for that day by attending another PE class, which could include another class during a free period, early bird strength and conditioning or the Cardio Fitness Lab after school, 3:30pm to 5:00 p.m.

The following procedures should be followed:

The student must assume the responsibility to contact the pertinent teacher in advance to schedule a make-up PE class during a free period, early bird Strength and Conditioning or the Cardio Fitness Lab after school 3:30pm to 5:00 p.m.

Physical Education Uniforms

The official NILES TOWNSHIP PE UNIFORM must be purchased by each student and worn to all PE classes (except swimming classes.) During swimming units, students must provide their own swim suit.

The official PE uniform can be purchased in the school bookstore and consists of the following:

The class of 2019 will also be required to purchase a strap and transmitter for heart rate monitoring. The strap and transmitter are considered part of their daily uniform. This will be used daily for the purpose of measuring activity.

Each student is responsible for the cleanliness and condition of his/her uniform. It must fit properly and not be torn. The shorts must have the waistband at the hips and hang no lower than the knee caps. All uniform items shall be appropriately marked with the student's name for easy identification and to discourage theft. No other markings are allowed on the uniform.