Of all the factors considered in the college application process, the high school transcript is the one that carries the most weight. Each college determines the way in which they want to receive your transcript.

How to Send Your Transcript

--> REVIEW THIS CHART FOR AN EASY WAY TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO SEND YOUR TRANSCRIPTS! (One note: Illinois State DOES require a transcript if you are applying test-optional.)

--> Also, view THESE SLIDES for a quick overview of complete transcript process.<--

Colleges require your transcript courses and grades in one of the following ways:

Parchment Instructions

Information on how to create your Parchment accounts was sent to you in early September. You can refer back to this information afterwards. 

You can access Parchment at www.parchment.com.

CLICK HERE to access slides creating a Parchment account and placing transript orders.

Scholarships: If you need a transcript to be emailed or snail-mailed to a scholarship organization, click HERE for instructions.

Parchment Videos:

Parchment transcript orders will not be sent out until AFTER Labor Day. Any issues with your Parchment account must be directed to our registrar, Mrs. Schwichtenberg at carole.schwichtenber@d214.org.

How to Print Your Unofficial Transcript 

Unofficial transcripts are often accepted for scholarships and admission at some colleges.

To access your unofficial transcript from your iPad, please see THESE DIRECTIONS.

Types of Transcripts

Initial Transcript: Transcript with grades for all semesters completed when you apply (usually through junior year if you apply in fall of senior year).

Mid-Year Transcript: Transcript with first semester senior year grades. (Sent per request ONLY via Parchment, usually in mid-January.)

Final Transcript: Transcript with all senior year grades and proof of graduation. (Sent per request ONLY via Parchment, usually in mid-June.)

Unofficial Transcript: Transcript that a student can download and send on their own. This is not sent from a school official but is still accepted for scholarships and some college admissions.

Dual Credit Transcripts

All students who took a Dual Credit course will have to order their transcript from the specific college (Harper, EIU, etc.) they earned dual credit from to be sent to the college they are attending in the Fall (unless it happens to be the same school). 

Step 1: Seniors should look for an email from teachingandlearning@d214.org sometime in May for each college you have Dual Credit with. Email will include:

Step 2: Follow those directions!

Step 3: Questions? Check that email for contact info at the college

You must follow the directions you are sent and contact the college directly if you have issues ordering your transcript. These are not our (Hersey’s) grades/courses/transcripts, and due to FERPA laws we are unable to contact the college on your behalf.