Creating Your College List:

PLUS: College Rep Visits, College Fairs, Visiting Campus, & More!

During Junior year, counselors met with students in October, and again in April, to go over the college search process (the 5 Ps) and how to create a strong, balanced college list. 

It is highly recommended that students review those presentations and come into the start of senior year with their list finalized (or as close to final as possible).

CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO: Choosing a College That Fits. 

College admissions representatives review seven criteria students should consider and rank when trying to find their “right fit” college

Don't forget about making sure you can afford those schools in the end! Watch this video about how to use the Net Price Calculator. 

Use the following resources to do a college search and refine your list:

College Admission Reps visiting JHHS

College Fairs

College Visits: Visit college campuses to help narrow down your list and find the right fit!:

Schedule a campus visit by visiting the admissions webpage of the college at least a few weeks in advance.

Previous Presentations Relating to the College Search