Lucidpress Directions

Lucidpress Directions: to LOG IN for the first time and begin an assignment

1. Open a new tab in the Chrome browser > Go to > Click Log In in the upper right corner.

2. Login by clicking the Google icon at the bottom of the page.

3. Click “Allow” to authorize permissions to let Lucidpress connect to your Google account.

4. Click on the Account Settings in the drop-down menu in the right hand corner where you see your email address.

5. Click on "Google Drive" in the left-hand column of Settings.

6. Click the blue button that says "Link to Drive."

7. Select your D118 account. (This step may not appear. Just go on to step #8).

8. Click the blue button "Allow."

9. Change the automatic backup from Do Not to Backup Weekly and then click the blue "SAVE" button.

10. Leave the settings area of Lucidpress by clicking on Documents at the top of your screen.

11. Once the Lucidpress work area has opened, select a template or click "More Templates" for additional document types and templates. Do not select a "Premium" template--you will not be able to use it. It is not recommended that you begin from a blank document--start with a template.

12. A clean copy of your chosen template will open in a separate tab in your browser and you may begin editing the document. Follow your teacher’s directions to complete your assignment accurately and completely.

13. When returning to Lucidpress to edit your document, go to My Documents to open your edited document. Do NOT open a brand new template again; this will open a new and empty copy of a template without any of your completed work.

14. When your Lucidpress document is finished, you will save it to your Google Drive by “printing” it using the SAVE to PDF option.

In Lucidpress, while your document is still open:

  • Go to the File menu > Print

  • Change the destination of the printer (if necessary) to SAVE to PDF.

  • Make sure you navigate to your Lucidpress folder or other desired location on your Google Drive to save the file (if allowed to).

  • Go to your Google Drive and check for your file.

  • Rename the file with your first and last name.

15. When you have saved your document as a PDF in your Google Drive and are ready to turn it in, open a new tab in your browser:

  • Go to Google Classroom.

  • Open the appropriate assignment.

  • Click “Add” and then the symbol for Google Drive.

  • Go to the Lucidpress folder (or wherever you've saved this file) in your Google Drive.

  • Select the PDF of the assignment that you completed.

  • “Turn In” your assignment.