It’s time for the MMS Winter Reading Challenge!

In celebration of winter and all things cozy, all students from Matthews Middle School are welcome to join the

MMS Winter Reading Challenge!

It’s easy! Pick up a Winter Reading Challenge form from the MMS Library and complete activities over Winter Break. When we return from Winter Break, collect fabulous prizes! Cozy up and read oodles ‘n oodles!

If you forgot to pick up a Winter Reading Challenge form, then click here to download one and print it. 

Bonus! Write a 1-paragraph review of a book you read over winter break. A review includes about 3 sentences that summarizes the book (without spoilers!) and another 2-3 sentences describing why the book is recommended and who would most enjoy it. 

Your review might be placed online in Destiny Discover for other readers to discover! Be sure to include the full name of the book and the author. Book Review Google Form.

     Email Ms. Mellendorf at if you have any questions.