World War II
the American Home Front

Print Resources

Print sources are physical and digital books prepared by subject-area experts presenting primary and secondary source information as well as statistics, images, facts, and/or narrative.

  • Most print resources on World War II will be located in the 940's, but you should check Destiny Discover Online Catalog for books in other locations.

  • Destiny Discover Collections: World War II -- coming soon!

eBooks on World War II

Click on the ebook picture above and click the history category. Scroll down to find several books on World War II. Click on a book cover to open it and begin your research.


Databases are online collections of information from journals, magazines, books and other sources authored by subject-area experts. Materials found in a database are invisible to a search engine such as Google.

For home access to Student Resources in Context or World Book Encyclopedia, log into your D118 Google account and view the following document for passwords: MMS Database Passwords for Home Use. You will need these passwords to access the following articles:


When using information from websites or looking for new ones to use in assignments, make sure you can answer "yes" to the following three things:

1) Readable -- Do I understand what I am reading?

2) Reliable -- Is the site safe, authoritative,and accurate ? Did an expert person or organization write the information? How do I know?

3) Relevant -- Is the source on topic, focused and useful?

The following websites are readable, reliable and relevant.

American Homefront -- Information from U.S., written by a professors and scholars of History.

American Home Front -- Click on pictures to see life at home and in the community on the American Home Front during World War II.

July 1942: United We Stand -- An exhibit of magazine covers from July 1942 when five hundred publications waved the stars and stripes to promote national unity, rally support for the war, and celebrate Independence Day. From the National Museum of American History and Smithsonian Institution.

Life in a World War II Japanese-American Internment Camp -- From the National Museum of American History and Smithsonian Institution.

Posters on the American Home Front (1941-45) -- Produce for Victory -- Posters that were used in America during World War II to help rally a nation for the war effort. From the National Museum of American History and Smithsonian Institution.

U.S. Home Front during World War II -- Information from the History Channel. World War II posters, women factory workers during the war, Japanese-American relocation and more.