World War II

Print Resources

Print sources are physical and digital books prepared by subject-area experts presenting primary and secondary source information as well as statistics, images, facts, and/or narrative.

  • Most print resources on World War II will be located in the 940's, but you should check Destiny Discover Online Catalog for books in other locations.

  • Destiny Discover Collections: World War II -- coming soon!

eBooks on World War II

Click on the ebook picture above and click the history category. Scroll down to find several books on World War II. Click on a book cover to open it and begin your research.


Databases are online collections of information from journals, magazines, books and other sources authored by subject-area experts. Materials found in a database are invisible to a search engine such as Google.

For home access to Student Resources in Context or World Book Encyclopedia, log into your D118 Google account and view the following document for passwords: MMS Database Passwords for Home Use. You will need these passwords to access the following articles:


When using information from websites or looking for new ones to use in assignments, make sure you can answer "yes" to the following three things:

1) Readable -- Do I understand what I am reading?

2) Reliable -- Is the site safe, authoritative,and accurate ? Did an expert person or organization write the information? How do I know?

3) Relevant -- Is the source on topic, focused and useful?

The following websites are readable, reliable and relevant.