Ancient Greece & Greek Mythology

World Book Encyclopedia Articles

  • Ancient Greece

    • Also search World Book for specific cities or people such as Athens, Sparta, Plato or Socrates.

  • Greek Mythology

    • Also search World Book for specific gods like Zeus or Hermes.


Ancient Civilizations -- 5. Ancient Greece: Greek Literature -- Introduction to the literature of ancient Greece. From a textbook on ancient civilizations, provided online by the Independence Hall Association in Philadelphia.

Ancient Greece - The British Museum -- Explore the world of ancient Greece using objects from the British Museum. With sections on daily life, geography, learning, war, and more.

Ancient Greece for Kids -- A wide variety of information about ancient Greeks--from myths to philosophers. Compiled by teacher Donald G. Donn. Greek gods & goddesses index -- Large collection of articles and images about the history, major eras, places, and art of ancient Greece. Created by Thomas Sakoulas, professor of art, State University of New York.

The Ancient Greek World -- Online exposition devoted to ancient Greece, maintained by the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.

BBC - Primary History - Ancient Greeks -- Fun facts, activities, quizzes, photos, and more about the Ancient Greek world--wars and games, arts and ships, gods and heroes. From a BBC (British Broadcasting Company) site for schools. - Greece: Secrets of the Past -- Information and objects about the ancient Greeks from the Canadian Museum of History society

Cleopatra: A Multimedia Guide to Art of the Ancient World -- Look at objects of art and culture from ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Etruria--with stories and movies about each one. From the Art Institute of Chicago.

dig: Dr. dig: Greece and Rome -- An archaeologist answers kids' questions about the life of ancient Greeks and Romans. From the Web site of 'DIG,' a children's magazine on archaeology.

Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece -- from National Geographic for Kids

The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization -- Site Index -- Web companion to the PBS documentary on ancient Greek cities, arts, politics, wars, and prominent people--writers, philosophers, and other personalities. Includes a 3-D animation of the Acropolis and "Greeks Interactive."

Greek City States, 500 B.C. -- Interactive map of Greek city-states. From Education Place, maintained by Houghton Mifflin.

Greek Medicine -- Virtual exhibit on ancient Greek medicine, mounted online by the History of Medicine Division of the National Library of Medicine. Includes pages devoted to "fathers of medicine"--Hippocrates, Galen, Dioscorides, and other Greek physicians.

Hellenic History -- History, culture, arts, and society of Greece and the Hellenic world from prehistoric to modern times. Created by the Foundation of the Hellenic World, based in Athens. Many images, photos.

Mr. Dowling's Ancient Greece Page -- Geography teacher Michael Dowling provides "things you should know" about the civilization of ancient Greece, its mythology, and its philosophers.

MYTHWEB -- A guide to gods, heroes, and monsters of Greek mythology. Also has teacher resources and an encyclopedia of mythological figures. Created by Web publisher Joel Skidmore.

ODYSSEAS - Hellenic Ministry of Culture -- The Greek Ministry of Culture created this site to showcase the unique history of Greece from the Stone Age to our day. Museums, archaeological sites, and monuments, with many images and an interactive map.

The Real Story of the Ancient Olympic Games -- Interesting facts about the ancient Olympic games. Compiled by David Gilman Romano, a senior research scientist at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.