
Microlending Learning Activity


The Microlending Activity involves students examining a microlending organization that works to provide small amounts of money to assist people in making money in different parts of the world. The students then help decide where to make the loans, to whom, and for what purpose.

Global Citizenship Objectives Addressed (K=knowledge; S=skill; A=attitude)*

K1. Describe important current events and global issues (e.g., environment, economic, political, health, population)

K2. Understand and analyze issues and events in the context of world geography.

K5. Identify transnational organizations (e.g., NGOs, multinational corporations) and their impact on current issues.

S3. Think critically about problems and issues.

S7. Take action to effect change, both individually and with a team.

A6. Engage in an ethical analysis of issues and have empathy for one’s fellow human beings.

A7. Feel a sense of responsibility and efficacy to take action based on ethical analysis and empathy.

* Any of these objectives can be acheived depending on the adaptation of this activity.

Global Challenges addressed**

Population (growth, aging, urbanization, migration)

Resources (food, water, energy, climate change)

Technology (computation, biotechnology, nanotechnology, transhumanism)

Information (data growth, access, social networking, information Integrity, knowledge)

Economies (interconnections, emerging players, debt, poverty)

Conflict (causes of conflict, nature of conflict, conflict resolution)

Governance (state actors, international organizations, multinational corporations, non-governmental organizations)

** Any of these challenges can be addressed depending on the adaptation of this activity.

Description of Teaching and Learning Activity

Students are introduced to microlending organizations such as Kiva, FINCA, and Accion (see links below). They are then asked to review lending options with the instructor and to suggest worthy small loans that could be made. As loan options are explored, the potential implications of making these loans, particularly as they related to the global challenges, are examined.

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