International NGOs

International Non-Governmental Organizations Learning Activity


The International Non-Governmental Organizations activity involves individual students or pairs of students 1) searching for information on International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs), 2) presenting this information to the class, and 3) choosing which organizations are most worthy of receiving a modest contribution.

Global Citizenship Objectives Addressed (K=knowledge; S=skill; A=attitude)*

K5. Identify transnational organizations (e.g., NGOs, multinational corporations) and their impact on current issues.

S1. Obtain relevant information related to the knowledge competencies listed above.

S2. Analyze and evaluate the quality of information obtained.

S3. Think critically about problems and issues.

S4. Communicate effectively in writing and verbally.

S7. Take action to effect change, both individually and with a team.

A3. Be intellectually curious about the world.

A7. Feel a sense of responsibility and efficacy to take action based on ethical analysis and empathy.

* Any of these objectives can be acheived depending on the adaptation of this activity.

Global Challenges addressed**

Population (growth, aging, urbanization, migration)

Resources (food, water, energy, climate change)

Technology (computation, biotechnology, nanotechnology, transhumanism)

Information (data growth, access, social networking, information Integrity, knowledge)

Economies (interconnections, emerging players, debt, poverty)

Conflict (causes of conflict, nature of conflict, conflict resolution)

Governance (state actors, international organizations, multinational corporations, non-governmental organizations)

** Any of these challenges can be addressed depending on the adaptation of this activity.

Description of Teaching and Learning Activity

In this activity students or pairs of students are either assigned or choose an INGO on which to find and present information (see handout below for examples of organizations). During one class session students sign up for a specific INGO. They then search Internet-based information to find information about the purposes and activities of the organization, using separate sites to find evaluations of organization. The individuals or pairs then make a 2-3 minute in-class presentation on the organization about a week after they sign up for that INGO.

Before they present on the INGO students write the name of the organization on a board or sheet of newsprint. After all students have presented, each student is asked to go to the board or newsprint and to allocate three votes to the organizations he or she believes is most worthy of receiving a donation. The instructor then makes a small donation to the two-three organizations with the most votes.

Related Handouts

Organizations Addressing Global Issues (doc) (pdf)