High-Impact Learning Activities to Educate Globally Competent Citizens

High-Impact Learning Activities to Educate Globally Competent Citizens

Seven teaching and learning activities that Denny Falk has used while teaching a course on Global Issues over the past 25 years are briefly described below, along with the link to more complete information. The relationship between these activities and characteristics of globally competent citizens is described on a matrix.

  • The Global Village activity involves assigning learners to represent individuals from around the world in proportion to the population of various countries and regions.
  • The Taking Action activity asks learners to spend five hours to address a global challenge and to report on the experience.
  • The Political Activity scale involves learners reporting on the political activities in which they have engaged.
  • The Immortality Game asks groups of learners to decide whether or not to release a new drug.
  • The Conflict Analysis activity asks learners to identify conflicts around the world and to analyze the nature, causes, and efforts to resolve those conflicts.
  • The activity related to International Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) involves students exploring information about specific NGOs and presenting an overview and evaluation of that organization.
  • The Microlending activity asks students to explore a global small loan organization such as KIVA and to suggest or make a loan.

As with all teaching and learning activities, it is important to match the activity to learning objectives, learner characteristics, and setting. It is also important to assess whether or not learning objectives have been achieved. A general instructional design model for selective use and appropriate assessment of learning activities provides guidance in selecting appropriate teaching and learning activities. One set of objectives for globally competent citizenship is also available.