
CS 4999/5999 - Sensors and IoT

Terms Taught Fall 2019

Knowledge of sensing technologies is essential as the fields of sensing technologies and Internet of Things (IoT) are experiencing explosive growth with new and innovative applications in the fields of sports, fitness, medicine, entertainment and more. This course will introduce you to a broad range of sensor technologies while emphasizing the basic principles of sensing principles for temperature, motion, sound, light, position, displacement, etc. IoT are ubiquitous systems that are built using embedded processors, sensors, other electronics and a communication mechanism. Students will be introduced to IoT through lecturers, and hands-on labs where they will interface sensors with dragonBoard to learn to design a complete IoT system. In addition, this course will present latest advances in the field of sensors and IoT.

CS 4611: Database Management Systems

Terms Taught: Fall 2015, Fall 2016

Study of database management fundamentals focusing on the relational data model. Topics include database organization, file organization, query processing, concurrency control, recovery, data integrity, optimization and view implementation.

CS 3211: Database System Concepts

Terms Taught: Fall 2014, Fall 2015, Fall 2016, Fall 2017

Design and use of database management systems. Emphasis on the relational data model, SQL, integrity constraints, relational database design, file structures, indexing, query processing, and optimization. Oracle-based laboratory work.

CS 2521: Computer Organization and Architecture

Terms Taught: Spring 2016, Fall 2016, Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019

Internal representation of programs and data. Computer organization and introduction to computer architecture. Machine and assembly language programming. Data and procedural structures. Addressing methods. Systems software including linking and loading. Introduction to hardware performance analysis and measurements.

CS 1511: Computer Science I

Terms Taught: Spring 2015, Spring 2019

A comprehensive introduction to computer programming using the C++ language. The course covers program design, C++ programming basics, control structures, functions and parameter passing. Students write and implement programs with data structures (arrays), pointers and files. Object-oriented programming is also introduced, along with concepts of abstraction, ADTs, encapsulation and data hiding.

CS 1121: Introduction to Programming in Visual BASIC.NET

Terms Taught: Fall 2014

Introduction to programming in the modern Visual BASIC language. Projects are developed in a .NET environment using the Visual Studio. Includes GUI interface development and expert-driven Windows programming. Major topics include variables, datatype, arithmetic expressions, control structures, arrays and database file processing. For students with no prior programming experience.