Research Projects

Robot Deployment in nursing homes

This project has been  funded by the Department of Human Services.

EEG Biomarker for memory recall using music

This project has been  recently funded by the Bold Ideas Grant(OACA). Click on the link above to learn more!

Utilizing Machine Learning to Facilitate Gait Analysis as an Indicator of Vascular Dementia 

Graduate Student working on this project is Janna Madden

GRANT SUPPORT: This work is supported by the Miller Dwan Grant.


Khan, A., reuter, M., & Phung, N. Wireless Solution to Prevent Decubitus Ulcers: Preventive Weight Shifting Guide, Monitor, and Tracker App for Wheel Chair Users with Spinal Cord Injuries (Phase II). IEEE Healthcom. (IEEE Healthcom, Munich Germany, Sept 2016)

Khan, A., & Phung, N. Undergraduate Research in Assistive Technology: Design and development of a Preventive Weight Shifting App to Reduce the Risk of Pressure Ulcers in Wheelchair Bound Patients with Spinal Cord Injuries. ASME Journal of Medical Devices, 10(20):020927, May 2016;. doi: DOI 10.1115/1.4033277

Bipolar Depression Druid: Monitor, Track and Predict Bipolar episodes 

Integrating Electromagnetic Field (EMF) sensor such as Heart Rate Variability, Quantity and Quality of sleep and electrodermal activity data as predictors to discern between the two bipolar states 

Grad Student - Yumna Anwar

Grad Student - Rushmeet Bahra

•Khan, A., & Bahra, R. Bipolar Depression Druid: Wireless Technology Framework to Predict Bipolar Depression. International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Systems. (International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Systems, Las Vegas, 2016) 

•Khan, A. Anwar, Y, (2018). Framework to Predict Bipolar Episodes: Sensor fusion of electrodermal activity, heart rate variability and sleep patterns; Intellisys IEEE, London, September 2018

Happy Times: Aiding Recall of Deeply Embedded Memory 

Grad Student - Danish Imtiaz

Publication: Imtiaz, D., Khan, A., & Seelye, A. (2018). A Mobile Multimedia Reminiscence Therapy Application to Reduce Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms in Persons with Alzheimer’s. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2018.

Framework to Predict, Identify, and Track Wandering behavior in Individuals with Alzheimer's Dementia using Various Physiological and Other Sensors, and Kinect 

Grad Student – Arshia Hassan

Grad student - Mahsa Soufineyestani


Khan, A. Hassan, A., Seelye, A. (2018). Framework to Predict, Identify, and Track Wandering behavior in Individuals with Alzheimer's Dementia using Various Physiological and Other Sensors, and Kinects. Intellisys IEEE, London, September 2018

Hassan, A, Khan, A. (2018)Wandering Behavior Management Systems for Individuals with Dementia. IEEE Access Journal under review

Recovery Buddy” to assist patients following Open Heart Surgery 

Grant Support: Whiteside grant

Grad Student: Sai Praneeth

Undergrad- Nam Phung


Prevention of Decubitus Pressure Ulcers:  Preventive Weight Shifting Guide, Monitor, and  Tracker App for Wheelchair Users with Spinal Cord Injuries 

Undergrad Student Nam Phung

Grad Student Dale Dowling


Khan, A., reuter, M., & Phung, N. Wireless Solution to Prevent Decubitus Ulcers: Preventive Weight Shifting Guide, Monitor, and Tracker App for Wheel Chair Users with Spinal Cord Injuries (Phase II). IEEE Healthcom. (IEEE Healthcom, Munich Germany, Sept 2016)

Khan, A., & Phung, N. Undergraduate Research in Assistive Technology: Design and development of a Preventive Weight Shifting App to Reduce the Risk of Pressure Ulcers in Wheelchair Bound Patients with Spinal Cord Injuries. ASME Journal of Medical Devices, 10(20):020927, May 2016;. doi: DOI 10.1115/1.4033277

Informing Care Decisions and Aiding Children with Autism in Understanding Emotions 

Undergrad Student - Kun Li


Khan, A. Li, K., Madden, J. (2017). MyHeifer: Mobile Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD) Application: Informing Care Decisions and Aiding Children with ASD in Understanding Emotions. Proceedings of the Healthcare 2017, ZhengZhou, China June 2017 

Robotic technologies for in-home monitoring and assistance for older adults with Alzheimers 

My research in the news

Pepper Robot (resend).mp4

How Social Robots Could Help Older Patients Help Themselves

The machines could assist with caregiving and coaching needs