Substance Use Resources

Drug Education Program

Recognizing trends and challenges within the school environment, CVUHSD offers support to students experiencing alcohol and drug-related problems. Individual counseling, group services and referrals are available at each school site within the district for those needing help. Beginning with the 2016-17 school year, the district unveiled a new plan of action to combat suspensions, expulsions, and offenses related to substance use on campus. The Drug Education Program, nicknamed  "The Helping Crew", was born and has served as an alternative to suspension option for students in need. Research has shown that alternative disciplinary programs rooted in fostering connections and community with students have far better outcomes then traditional methods. 

The core component of The Helping Crew, is an 8-week counseling group which uses evidence-based practices and related interventions to help students with alcohol or drug problems. Most students are required to attend the program in lieu of suspension for behavior related to drug and alcohol offenses while on school grounds. Students may also be referred to the program by a parent, a  peer, or by themselves if looking for support with stopping or decreasing the use of alcohol or drugs. See below for additional information regarding substance abuse problems including meeting directories and community resources.


For students in need of a higher level of care or intervention, referral and linkage to community-based programs will be made. For more information or to set up an appointment to discuss how such services could benefit a student, please contact Kevin Brown at 310-263-3179 or via email at


(Quick Weblinks)


Marijuana Anonymous Meetings (virtual and in-person)

Alcoholics Anonymous Virtual Meetings

Virtual Al-Anon Meetings

Nar-Anon Virtual Meetings

Various 12-Step and Related Program Information