Music Club

Starting the Day off on a Good Note

Calling ALL Musicians!

Do you make beats, write songs, play an instrument or aspire to get your music out there? We have a space for you. Join Lloyde's official Music Club and hang out with fellow musicians. Students of all musical backgrounds and skill level are welcomed to attend. You do not need to own an instrument (one will be provided). We meet on Mondays during lunch in the Multi-Purpose Room. We also host Freestyle Fridays every Friday morning before school starts (8:00am-8:30am). It's a great way to wrap up the week with creative musical expression. 

Why Music on Campus?

Addressing barriers to academic success, CVUHSD continues to explore new ways to engage and empower students. For those facing economic hardships, musical (and related artistic) expression may not always be readily available. Understanding the impact that art can have on one's cognitive, social and emotional development, Lloyde strives to provide students with the tools (and instruments) to bridge the gap. Music can transcend adversity, unite people of various demographic and socioeconomical levels, and serve as a vital tool of self-expression. 

The Healing Power of Music

If you've ever heard a song on the radio from your childhood, you probably understand the power that music can have on your thoughts and memories. Music can impact one's brain functioning and behavior. In addition to improving cognitive and motor skills, studies have found that music can reduce stress, alleviate pain and reduce symptoms of depression. One study found that frequent music listeners had higher scores for mental well-being and slightly reduced levels of anxiety compared to those who listened less. Active musical engagement, was associated with higher rates of happiness. It is for reasons like these that Lloyde continues to provide a space for artists. It works!

Supporting Our Efforts

Music Club is made possible through donations and staff contributions. We are endorsed by the district's Art Coordinator (Hélène Trudeau), members of the Centinela Valley PTSO (Parent-Teacher-Student-Organization) and staff alike. If interested in learning more about the integration of the arts here on campus, or if desirous of making a musical (instrument) donation, please contact Club Advisor Kevin Brown. 

Kevin C. Brown, LCSW, PPSC

School Social Worker

Music Club Staff Advisor
