Welcome Letter 2023-24

Mr. Rosario 

Creekside Middle School

Math 7 


General Information

Dear Parents and Guardians,


It is my privilege to be your child’s math teacher.  I look forward to working with you and your child to achieve their academic goals.  I will provide a safe, nurturing, and academically challenging environment for your child.  I will differentiate, enrich, or modify the curriculum to meet the needs of your child.


The curriculum is based on the California State Common Core Standards.  The curriculum consists of five units of study: Ratios and Proportional Relationships; The Number System; Expressions and Equations; Geometry; and, Statistics and Probability.  Tests will be used to assess a student’s understanding and competency on the standards of each unit in Math 7, and Accelerated Math 7.  


Syllabi for Math 7 and Accelerated Math 7, and information about the Math Booster class,  are found on my website:


For Math 7, a student’s grade will be based on assessment results (80% of the grade) and homework (20% of the grade). 

For Accelerated Math 7, a student’s grade will be based on assessment results (85% of the grade) and homework (15% of the grade). 

For  Math  Booster students the grade is Pass/Fail and is based on productivity in class and assigned, independent work.


Everyday, a student should have the following materials: school issued laptop; CPM Toolkit; Binder Reminder; a pencil; and graph paper in a composition book, or a binder.  If it is difficult to acquire pencils or paper the school will provide them.


The classroom rules are the R.O.A.R. behavioral expectations found in the Binder Reminder.  In particular, a student is present when they are ready to learn when the class session begins.


Homework assignments (Math 7 and Accelerated Math 7) will be posted in class, on the teacher website,  and in the Aeries Gradebook.



Anthony Rosario

