
Parent Volunteers must have a Megan's Law Clearance on file for the current school year and show proof of vaccination before coming on campus

Student Volunteers

CJSF students may work in the library to earn service hours. Students work the circulation desk during break or lunch, shelve books, or help with general cleaning and straightening of books in the library. Circulation desk training will be held once in the fall and once in the spring. If you plan to shelve books, watch this library shelving presentation and practice shelving at shelver!.

All students may volunteer to be part of the Student Crew to help with book fairs. Student Crew members help to promote and organize the book fair. We host two book fairs a year, one in the fall and one in the spring. Listen to the bulletin announcements to find out when applications for the book fair Student Crew are being accepted.

Expectations for Student Volunteers

  • Be punctual! Come to the library promptly when you are scheduled to work--you can't help if you are not here.

  • Be respectful! Courteous behavior to students, staff and parents is expected at all times.

  • Be attentive! You are in the library to work, not to socialize with your friends.

  • Be accurate! Take pride in your work--take your time to ensure accuracy in circulation records and in shelving books.

  • Be discrete! Confidentiality is expected at all times.

Parent Volunteers

We welcome parent volunteers in the library. Parents help with textbook distribution, with lunch time supervision in the library, shelving and organizing materials, and with setting up and staffing book fairs. Parent volunteers must have a Megan's Law Clearance on file for the current school year and show proof of vaccination before volunteering in the library. The Megan's Law Clearance Request form can be found below, or on the Creekside website. Please sign in and get a visitor badge at the Main Office before coming to the library to volunteer. If you are interested in volunteering, email Carol Nalty at cnalty@cv.k12.ca.us
