STEM Lab Tour

Welcome to the STEM Lab!

Welcome! The IMS STEM Lab is a space designed for you to learn and explore. In order to get the best use of the space, there is a little tour below. It is important that you know where things are at so you can easily find what you are looking for. It is also important that you know the rules for everything in the room. The rules are designed to keep you safe and things organized. When organized, you will be able to quickly find what you need and get working on your projects.

Classroom Zones

It is important that you can use as much as the STEM Lab as possible for projects. There will be times you are working by yourself in rows, with groups at tables that are grouped up, or even on the floor.

You need to take some responsibility over the lab. It is extremely important that you clean up when you are done in class. By cleaning up, you are allowing other classes to have a clean area to work in. By putting things away where they go, others will be able to find materials when they need them.

The STEM Lab is broken up into zones. The sink is located in the Clean-up Zone. You can use the sink to clean up any messes. There are also paper towels available if you need them.

The middle of the lab is the Work Zone. As you can see below, the tables will be rearranged for different classes. You will spend the majority of the times working at these tables. There are also dry erase boards along the walls that you will use for some projects.

In the front and back of the classroom are Storage Zones. As you see below, there are various cabinets around my room with supplies in them. You will need these for various projects.

The front corner of the room is the Teacher Zone. This area is for Mr. Blanchard. Please stay out of this area unless Mr. Blanchard directs you to this area.

What's in the Lab?


If you need to wash your hands, you can use the sink in the lab. Please let Mr. Blanchard know beforehand so he knows why you are using the sink. If you get a cut or some other injury, let Mr. Blanchard know immediately.

Dry Erase Boards

We will be using the dry erase boards for planning out some of your projects. Markers are on the ledge. The eraser is magnetic.


  1. Only write on your section of the board.
  2. You may not change anything on anyone else's board. The boards are used for your work. Changing someone else's board is like changing their homework.
  3. Only use the the markers on the board. If you use them on anything else, it can make them dry out.
  4. At the end of class, be sure the caps are on all the markers.


The STEM Lab can be arranged several different ways, but it is usually arranged one of two ways.

The first arrangement is in rows. If the tables are in rows, we have something to discuss as a class. You will be focusing on the screen in the front of the room.

The second arrangement is in groups. Whenever we work on projects, you will be working with a partner or small group. When we do, the tables will be put into groups.


  1. When in rows, be ready to listen. I will not talk the whole time, but you need to listen while I am going over things with you.
  2. As you work with others in class, be sure you do not talk too loudly. If you do, it makes it hard for everyone to hear their partners.
  3. Mr. Blanchard will rearrange the tables when needed. Please do not lock or unlock the wheels to move things around in class.

Robotics Cabinet

Below is a tour of the robotics cabinet for the 8th grade Automation and Robotics. If you need to find a part, you can start here.

Structural Cabinet

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Electronics Cabinet

Column 1

The other columns in the cabinet are used for other storage. You will not be using the rest of the cabinet.

Craft Supplies Cabinet

Below is a tour of the craft supplies cabinet. We use these supplies in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Please be sure you put supplies away when you are finished with them. If you have large scraps, please give them to Mr. Blanchard so they can be used on other projects.

Column 2

Column 3

The first column in this cabinet is used for other supplies. You will not be using it.


We will be using computers throughout the quarter. It is your job to make sure the computers stay in good shape. If you have any issues, please let Mr. Blanchard know immediately.


The cart in the STEM Lab has 29 laptops. These are different from the Chromebooks you use in other classes.


You will be assigned a number to use for class. This should be the only computer you use.

At the end of the class, please be sure you plug your computer in so it can charge for the next class.


If you would like, you can use one of the mice. They are all numbered. You need to use the same number as you do for your computer.

Please do not make the cords longer. They do not need longer cords.