Automation and Robotics

PLTW Automation and Robotics

Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Automation and Robotics (AR) is taught to the 8th graders at IMS. This course focuses on mechanisms and how they work together to make things move. We start the quarter looking at the many different robots that already exist in the world. Next, the students work on building individual mechanisms. Once the students have had some experience with building mechanisms, they go on to build multiple mechanisms that work together to build a system. With the experience, we get into coding and add motors and sensors to create an automated build.

In this course, collaboration is key. The students will need to work together when it comes to building using our VEX robotics parts. The projects in this course are bigger and require groups to complete in a timely fashion. This is especially true when coding is added into the mix.

We use metal VEX robotics parts to create our robots. By utilizing VEX, the students begin to use hand tools such as hex keys and open-ended wrenches. This is a great introduction for students who may not have had exposure to working with tools previously.

To code their robots, the students use C programming language. PLTW uses a natural language version, which is easier to understand, but this still offers a glimpse of what it takes to code everything from computers to robots. If students wish, they can further their experience with robots in high school.

Click Below to Access the AR Curriculum

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