Collaborative Collage Mural

Central Focus

Students will learn that art can be used to symbolize ideas and express emotions. Students will learn that the development process of artmaking can inspire hope and motivation. 

"I can" Statements:


Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

Anchor Standard 8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.





Symbol- a mark or character used as a conventional representation of an object, function, or process 

Symbolism- the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities 

Collage- a piece of art made by sticking various different materials such as photographs, pieces of paper, or fabric on to a backing 

Hope- a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen

Introduction Presentation

Symbolic Collage

Introduction Presentation Link 

Slide 1- This is the drawing for the day. 

Slide 2- To DO list 

Slide 3- Page 1 of your sketchbook should have a review page of what we have learned about previously in art (drawing)

Slide 4- On the back of Page 1 is where you will define the vocabulary, brainstorm your idea, and decide how you will make your work of art

Slide 5- Defines the requirements for this project

*On the cover of your sketchbook is where you will be making your  symbolic collage.


Sketchbook, pencil, color construction paper, any newspaper/magazines that you can tear apart (please ask first before destroying), glue, scissiors (optional)


If you dont have glue or paper to use, then you will be using google slides or google draw to complete your artwork. You still have to do all of the brainstorming but your final product will be digital. 

Project Instructions:

Collage Artists:

Laura Yager

Contemporary Artist

Dolan Geiman

Contemporary Artist

Bri Lamkin

Contemporary Artist

Elizabeth Zvonar

Canadian Contemporary Artist

Kurt Schwitters

Historical German Artist

Yung Jake 

Contemporary Artist

Hannah Hoch

Historical German Artist

Rebecca Edwards

Contemporary Artist