
Questions? Contact Mr. Cyrus or Mr. Baldwin via email - fcyrus@cusd201.org, jbaldwin@cusd201.org

PE News: 

With the end of the year right around the corner, field day planning is well underway.  This year's field day events include volleyball/nukem, scooters, jump ropes, water balloon toss, bounce house, obstacle course throughout the playground, face paint, field goal kicking, tug-o-war, relay races, parachute and at Manning, 9 square.  If any parents are interested in helping out at either Manning or Miller field days, please see the signupgenius provided by the PTO!  We are always in need of helpers to run a smooth operation.  

During the summer time, Westmont High School offers many summer camps for kids of all ages.  This is a great opportunity for your child to have fun with their friends, practice a sport or activity during the summer months, and get them out of the house!  Information will be coming soon via the high school website.

The Manning traverse wall is up and running!

PE News:

We are excited to finally have our finished traverse wall at Manning!  The students have been introduced to the wall and have been using it during station play.  2nd graders enjoyed completing the wall during our olympic SIP day while being timed.

Miller students have started a bowling unit and Manning students will start one in the next couple of weeks.  The students will be working on using the proper grip and steps on rolling the ball at a target.  Once bowling is finished, students will begin a variety of cooperative games.  These games will focus on strategies, throwing and catching as well as using good sportsmanship during gameplay. 

Thanks to our PTO for the gaga pit that was installed last month.  The kids have loved it!  It has also been very popular after school.  

PE News:

Miller and Manning students have adjusted to the start of the school year routines.  Miller students have finished units on throwing and catching.  They enjoyed playing interactive games while throwing at targets.  Several of the games are Mr. Baldwin’s favorites, such as Battleship and Hula Hut Throwdown.  Meanwhile, the Manning students were able enjoy the weather and play variations of football.  Students were able to work on their throwing, catching and defensive skills.  Sportsmanship continues to be a focal point of all classes as students continue to work on being respectful and responsible while participating in class.

Coming soon at Manning, students will be completing a volleyball unit in November.  Students will play fun and skill focused games to build their serves, bumps, and sets.  Miller students have just started a soccer unit.  Students will continue to work on ball control and passing and shooting to targets.