Pages: W.T. Griggs Library Media Center
Mrs. Bonomo reading a book.
Welcome to the Online Home of the W.T. Griggs LMC!
The vision of the W.T. Griggs Mallard Media Center is to be a library brimming with curiosity, excitement, collaboration, critical inquiry, and transliteracy*.
To provide innovative instruction, programming, support, and resources that help develop forward-thinking students that create content for the global community in support of all district learning goals and initiatives.
Locating, organizing, analyzing, evaluating, synthesizing, and ethically using information is a critical component of being a responsible digital citizen.
Reading is a window that explores the world and makes it accessible to all in a variety of formats for learning and self-directed exploration.
Creating information and story is just as important as consuming information and story.
Access to information and story across multiple platforms in individually appropriate resources is essential to learning.
Collaboration is imperative in teaching and learning to explore an urgent question or create a meaningful project.
Technology is a tool as well as the doorway to accessing a global community.
Persisting through challenges strengthens understanding and confidence, while fostering growth.
Reflection, self-assessment, and peer review promote excellence.
Flexibility is essential in learning opportunities as well as physical space.
*Transliteracy is the ability to read, write and interact across a range of platforms and media. It is a 21st Century skill that combines all the traditional literacies and the online world. It is a necessary skill for our students as our world becomes more electronically and globally connected.