Pages: W.T. Griggs Library Media Center 

Mrs. Bonomo reading a book.

Welcome to the Online Home of the W.T. Griggs LMC!

2022-23 Quacks: Library Rules
LMC Procedures
Book Bags
LMC Procedures Uh Oh!


The vision of the W.T. Griggs Mallard Media Center is to be a library brimming with curiosity, excitement, collaboration, critical inquiry, and transliteracy*.


To provide innovative instruction, programming, support, and resources that help develop forward-thinking students that create content for the global community in support of all district learning goals and initiatives.


*Transliteracy is the ability to read, write and interact across a range of platforms and media.  It is a 21st Century skill that combines all the traditional literacies and the online world. It is a necessary skill for our students as our world becomes more electronically and globally connected.