Heritage Beku in collaboration with Destination Heritage and Curating for Culture, invites citizens between the age of 12 and 17 years to participate in the essay writing competition to celebrate Heritage Week 2021.

Under each age group, three winning entries will be awarded and winners will be invited to read out their essays on the final day webinar, scheduled on Saturday, 20th Nov 2021 from 5pm onward. This initiative is not simply a competitive platform, but also a learning experience for different age groups to interact with each other. In order to mentor the participants three open dialogues (webinars) will be scheduled across the month of October 2021 and all participants are encouraged to make the most of this interaction. Number of entries is limited, so interested participants are requested to register at the earliest.

If you had participated for the essay writing competition, you will receive your e-certificates by end of Nov 2021 from documentation.cfc@gmail.com.

Celebrating the Heritage of Karnataka: action for change

Karnataka’s diverse cultural landscapes are a home to a wide-range of historic sites, ecological assets, cultural experiences and community collections. However, only a few of them have been recognised and very many are difficult to access even today by people from all walks of life. The state of heritage management in the many urban or regional centers thus remains contested under the agendas of development and growth. This call for participation is rooted in the idea of action for change, wherein the participants are urged to think about ways in which local residents can get involved, discussions can be initiated with bureaucrats, various professionals can be engaged and sustainable ways of preservation can be sought out for celebrating the rich heritage of Karnataka.

Format for submission:

Participants must engage with a heritage site of their interest, try to visit it or make a physical investigation and discuss their thoughts with other members of the community around the heritage site.

    • "Site" here expands beyond the notion of a physical place or a building. It could also mean a waterbody or a species of wildlife, a community of craftspersons as well as a collection of old letters.

All submissions MUST follow these specifications:

    • Word count will be 1000 words in your choice of language

    • A maximum of 7 images to support the content

    • Include references and credits wherever applicable

    • Plagiarism will not be accepted

    • Final file should not exceed 5 pages / 1MB file size

    • All final submissions should be sent as a PDF file only

If you have any other questions, feel free to write to us at both these emails:



Nupur Basu

Sridhar Pabbisetty

Tanuja Dashrath Haunsbavi

Vinay Malge

Yashaswini Sharma

Heritage Beku is an ever growing community of individuals enthusiastic about heritage related matters. It gives us utmost pleasure to introduce and welcome the various judges for the Heritage Week 2021 Essay writing competition. Read closely into the thematic note, select your sub-theme and sign up for the mentoring sessions, as you prepare for your essay submission.