Letter from the Editor

This semester, enormous change came to Vermilion. With an entirely new staff and even a new faculty advisor, we struggled to evolve as a magazine while remaining faithful to the careful work of our predecessors. When the magazine’s founding editors graduated last spring, we did not know what the next winter would hold. 

Our Winter 2023 cover image, Sunrise over the Rows by Benedict Gorman, helps answer this uncertainty and anticipation. In the photo, the sun rises over a field that appears to be moving past the camera, fog creeping over the horizon. The fog beckons with a sense of mystery, and the motion of the telephone pole overlooking the field propels us toward the light. While we do not know our magazine’s exact future, we will always be guided towards truth and goodness by its original mission: the pursuit of beauty. 

I am incredibly grateful to Vermilion’s founding Editors-in-Chief, Matthew and Jessica, for creating a home for the arts at Catholic University.  I also thank our student staff members, who gave hours of their semester to build this impressive collection of art. Finally, thank you to all who submitted their works. From the entire Vermilion staff, we hope you enjoy Issue 5 | Winter 2023. 

Judith Prevost


Winter 2023