
Caroline Morris is a Philadelphia-based writer and editor who received her B.A. in English literature with a concentration in writing in 2022. Her work wrestles with femininity, internal and interpersonal relationships, and what it means to have a body. Morris has previously been published by Green Ink Poetry, The Hyacinth Review, Hearth & Coffin, Beaver Magazine, and The Penwood Review, with two honorable mentions for the O'Hagan Poetry Prize. Twitter: @Lean_writer. IG: @Lean.writer

For P.H.

He tells me I remember a surprising amount,

Of our conversations from 9 months before,

As if I have not relived them every day to feel close to him,

As if I have not made them into a marital mythology,

As if love is not breathing in his small details

And holding them in my lungs like air,

Given back to him in the exhale.

Winter 2023