
There were light-bits

coming from her fingertips

dripping from the ends like dew

drops, sparkles of the freshest things

something in the way she flings 

it all in 

it's like a love-dance..

scamper, prance:

weight, hold; linger — spring —  ! 

bounding down and up again… 

See! we are

tangled in a reverie, 

with deep, divine madness,

hopelessly caught up in it; 

even, there are those who leap

overboard, knowing 

no prudence, no boundaries, 

no calculation, once 

kissed once by the laughing 

mad sweetness of eternity 

carved from white and ebony

tapped from in a tautened string… here

light flashes; life spills over,

making wood, and hand, and copper sing

Winter 2022

Written by Ruth Swope.

Ruth Swope studied Music for violin performance at Catholic University (class of 2022). This is her first publication.