
Georgia Riordan

a body the size of a retriever strewn by the median.

the cars have slowed not stopped in caution

as the corpse has yet to clear. skid marks bright red

lead from the left lane to the carcass not enough blood spilled

to blanket it from us. most deer get left in one piece.

our car lumbers forward and i see:

the highways stops for nothing.

not for a wandering deer or rabbit or cat

and not for this child separated from her parents

now separated between her ribs and her legs

with her hands under her little head

as if she had just laid herself on the grass,

lulled to sleep by the constant rumble of the road.

Flash Issue 7

Georgia Riordan (she/they) is a recent graduate of Ithaca College with a BA in Writing. She served as a poetry editor for Stillwater Magazine and a writing consultant for the college from 2019-2021. Her work primarily focuses on her struggles with mental health, sexuality, trauma, and identity within the genres of poetry, magical realism, and horror. Her previous publications include: The Asbury Park Press, Il Giornalino 2017, Odyssey’s online platform, and Zoetic Magazine.