Newborn Emily Leans In

Bev Fesharaki

New life, just now,

leans in,

leans to a breast

love engorged.

Shaky fingers find

the soft-soothing place.

Watercolor wrinkled

forehead resolves

like a question answered.

No line to separate

grimace from grin,

her tiny lip tremble

tends toward a smile.

She leans

into the chaos she creates,

newborn clamor,

overfull of liquid squeals,

miniature snores,

secret squeaks,

seismic startles,

eyes so mysterious

they seem already

to know

which way to lean.

Flash Issue 7

Bev Fesharaki is an educator/poet who likes to play with words. Her poems have been published in numerous journals including Moria, Bangalore Review, Three Elements Review and Liminal Women. She lives and writes by the water in Mukilteo, WA.