Haikus for Bad Mothers

Lauren Linowski

Why didn’t you want a baby?

I thought I couldn’t

breathe with someone else taking

the space inside me.

Why did you have a baby in times like these?

Your house can burn down

whether you eat in silence

or play jazz through lunch.

Why did you (insert activity here) pregnant?

I could not keep him

safe from the wreck of life, so

I kept him with me

Why didn’t you leave the house more?

The cacophony

outside screamed over the voice

singing through my veins.

Why did you have a second baby?

Everywhere I looked

I recognized her face, but

we hadn’t met yet.

Why did you have a thirdfourthfifthsixthetc. Baby?

That blank between my

daughter’s smile, a comma, my

son’s question mark eyes.

Flash Issue 7

Lauren is a medical education learning specialist from the New York metro area. She likes, learning, hiking, poring over old maps, her supportive partner Zach, and her less supportive cat, Gwendolyn. Her Instagram handle is @outsidelink.