Bridge of Sighs

Rohan Buettel

from the water reflects

the beauty of symmetries

six columns and floral windows

limestone white in morning light

roof and base matching arches

sealed by a curlicue of scrolls

between squat pedestals

the carved facade replete

with busts of mythic figures

inside, we briefly pause, glimpse

a gondola gliding on sunlit canal

through a slivered aperture

in thick rough-hewn stone

the chiselled lattice forming

a pattern of tightly bound

intersecting circles, the openings

all diamonds, pointed petals

and curved triangles

a last glimpse for petty criminals

before the incarceration that awaits —

small cells on the other side

Flash Issue 7

Rohan Buettel lives in Canberra, Australia’s capital city. His haiku have been published in various Australian and international journals (including Frogpond, Cattails and The Heron’s Nest). His longer poetry appears or is forthcoming in Penumbra Literary and Art Journal, Mortal Magazine, Red Ogre Review, Reed Magazine, Meniscus and Quadrant.