A Breakup Lingers

Lindsay Killips

his voice, rust, tumbling from his barren

vocal cords     a burnt sunrise flaking

despair, debris. a morning made for

mourning all the future slipping

past his cracked hands. his body

rasps against the air holding him

the same way he grew friction

like lilac fields between our

bones. i leave like ether, i leave

the same way i cry

alone and silent. find me crying

find me dead. somedays i

see rust on my balcony.

steel wool, pressure,

and a clock ticking effortlessly

forwards, reminds me

rust and my past are one

in the same, perpetually

surfacing, perpetually

i friction them back to the earth.

Flash Issue 7

Lindsay Killips is a graduate student at Walden University studying to become a licensed clinical mental health counselor. She loves to read, write, go to the beach, hike, and spend time with her friends and family. She has several publications in literary journals and has published her own collection, This Fleeting Life.