City in the Clouds

Andre F. Peltier

There’s a city in the clouds; 

it’s floating on the wind. 

When the rains fall 

upon those below,

the city remains warm and dry

in ever-present sun. 

City fathers shake hands, 

nod, wink at luncheons 

in the great white halls. 

Old women watch the rays 

as the lining of the fluff

glows silver and they know 

better days are ahead. 

From the city in the clouds,

they gaze down on corn fields, 

oak groves, roaring Niagara, 

and know there are 

better days ahead. 

Above Shangri-La, Hill Valley, 

The Emerald City of Oz, 

those cloud dwellers sing 

songs of tomorrow, 

songs of equality, 

songs of everlasting love. 

When will those songs 

fill our hearts? 

When will the silver glow 

warm our dreams? 

No one here looks up and sees 

the better days ahead. 

No one down below can 

bask in ever-present sun.

Flash Issue 11

Andre F. Peltier (he/him) is a Pushcart Nominee and a Lecturer III at Eastern Michigan University where he teaches literature and writing. He lives in Ypsilanti, MI, with his family. His poetry has recently appeared in various publications like CP Quarterly, About Place, Novus Review, and Fahmidan Journal, and most recently in The Brazos Review, and Idle Ink. His debut chapbook, Poplandia, is forthcoming from Alien Buddha Press in 2022. Twitter: @aandrefpeltier Website: