To Toe

Ian Stark

The mess of mold in my former room is

A stench left behind with former lovers.

How did we ever fit in this twin-sized bed?

Home for the holidays, Lexapro taken with

Eggnog and a thousand empathetic friends.

I laughed a little when I asked my roommates

If I should pack some good funeral clothes,

And if I should bring both a dress and a suit.

They promised either would be amazing.

My friends back home say I wear

Adulthood so well. I go a little deeper

Into my hometown. Just a little further

Down the path. What could I have missed?

Why do my feet feel the most comfortable and warm

On sheets that are not mine anymore?

Not to lessen that I had always hoped

That my brother would beat my record

For living. I didn’t think I would win

By 5, 6, 7 years, much less minutes,

Yet we would be lucky to call it a draw.

There was a point when I stopped praying

For him to survive, and for him to find himself

Somewhere a little kinder to him. How he clung,

Or maybe my parents did instead.

It is sad to condemn your living family to their

Graves, but around me is a cemetery:

A marriage, a mind, a body, all spirits. The blood

In me has been drained from this artery,

My former town a destroyed appendage, nothing

But a failed organ. I wish they were all baby teeth

Or toes.

Flash Issue 10

Ian Stark is a non-binary person who writes to take people into different perspectives. Shared emotion is one of the main focuses Stark writes on and they encourage you to step outside of your body and into your consciousness to experience each poem. They believe their is infinite beauty in each experience and that your reality is every experience, emotion, thought, memory, etc. Why not make one?